Pilot operations
In order to develop an effective and replicable strategy for the development of reuse centres for construction materials, the project will be based on 3 pilot operations spread over 3 different areas in order to implement the proposed action plan, test it and improve it so that it can be adapted to a multitude of contexts and therefore territories.
1. France - City of Lorient
For several decades, the City of Lorient has been internally conducting its own building development operations, including the planning and development of large-scale projects. They are notably in charge of the urban redevelopment of a whole neighbourhood from the 1960s, Bois-du-Château, a major project planned to last 10 years and for which the city ensures the overall schedule and coordination.
The city of Lorient thus has the skills required to carry out the works related to the development of a reuse centre as part of this larger urban operation. Another department of the city, in charge of the environment, is also developing city-wide actions to support the circular economy. It will be involved in the project to ensure the dissemination of its results, not only at a territorial level but also internally so that the City can foster the demand for reused materials in its own construction and renovation operations.
2 - France - La Fabrique des Quartiers
La Fabrique des Quartiers works on behalf of the European Metropolis of Lille, the cities of Lille, Roubaix and Tourcoing to revitalise degraded neighbourhoods with a focus on circularity and citizen participation. La Fabrique des Quartiers hosted a pilot operation of the Interreg NWE FCRBE project which enabled to rethink the management of the end of life of buildings and encourage the development of the reuse sector in the Lille metropolitan area.
La Fabrique des Quartiers will be heavily involved in these activities, in particular by writing the development strategy for the reuse centre and managing a pilot operation to create a centre in the area.
3. Netherlands - City of Utrecht
As FCRBE partner, the City of Utrecht conducted a live test to boost reuse of construction materials in a public space development. Building upon experience in FCRBE and broader within other circular projects (ERDF,URBACT, Horizon2020), Utrecht sees neccessity in developing reuse centres to deal with storage and preparation of reclaimed materials for reuse in future projects. The city is therefore planing to develop a municipality-led reuse centre primarily dealing with materials for public space and infrastructure projects, such as pavement and street furniture. Utrecht also actively facilitates the development of market led initiatives, and takes an active role in the development of a regional network for exchange of construction materials.

During our last FCRBE research project, 37 pilot operations and live tests were carried out.
+ 2 309 tons of materials were recovered
+ 321 tons of materials were reuses