Two days of work & meetings in Paris

18/19.06.2024 - Paris - France

First steering committee: work in progress!

On 18 and 19 June, the project partners met for a progress report on the PREUSE project. After Belgium, it was the turn of the French partners to welcome us to Paris, and in particular to Césure, in the old premises of the Sorbonne Nouvelle University, temporarily occupied by associations and companies.

The two days of work provided an opportunity to coordinate activities and find out how far each one had progressed: the state of the art in reuse centres, pilot operations, documentation, training, etc. 

Visit of the City of Paris road materials reuse platform. 

The trip was also an opportunity to visit the City of Paris' reuse centre (Bonneuil-sur-Marne): 38,000m2 dedicated to the reuse of road materials, using a unique method in France since 90s. 

Welcomed and guided by Eric, we were able to take an in-depth tour of the platform's organisation and ask all our questions. It was an inspiring visit that fed into the thinking of our partners, and in particular our work on the state of the art of the possible business models to set and run public centres. 

Official launch of the PREUSE project!
29.02.2024, Bruxelles - Belgium